One of the most beautifully rendered hands in the history of art is depicted in this detail from a painting by Orazio Riminaldi (1586-1631, born in Pisa)
Daedalus and Icarus. Of course I am biased, as the painting is housed at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford, Connecticut -my workplace, and furthermore, I have cleaned and restored the work a few years ago. The painting is currently on exhibition in Rimini, Italy, together with other Baroque masterpieces from our collections, among them Caravaggio's
St. Francis in Ecstasy. Riminaldi -like so many other painters in the 1600s- was very much influenced by Caravaggio, and he emulated Caravaggio's chiaroscuro beautifully and successfully. Extremely close to Caravaggio in style and technique, he painted nevertheless in his own distinct manner.